Decision ID: 000995

In February 1999 the 1992 Fund Executive Committee noted that the 1971 Fund Executive Committee had at its 60th (February 1999) session considered the issue of whether or not unlicensed fishermen should be compensated for economic losses arising out of incidents covered by the 1971 Fund Convention. It was noted that the 1971 Fund Executive Committee had decided to maintain the general policy of not accepting claims from fishermen who carried out their activities in breach of licensing requirements laid down in or based on national legislation, but that some flexibility should be exercised in respect of such claims and that the scope for such flexibility would have to be considered further. The Chairman of the 1992 Fund Executive Committee drew attention to the fact that the Assemblies of the 1971 Fund and 1992 Fund had taken the position that the two Organisations should endeavour to apply the same criteria for the admissibility of claims for compensation and that this issue would have to be considered within the 1992 Fund at a later stage in co-ordination with the discussions within the 1971 Fund.

Date: 01.02.1999
Category: Pure economic loss (fisheries and mariculture)
Subject: Loss of income of unlicensed fishermen and mariculturists