Decision ID: 003694
In October 2004 the 1992 Fund Assembly considered the reports of the seventh and eighth meetings of the 3rd intersessional Working Group which had been established by the Assembly to discuss the need to improve the compensation regime provided by the 1992 Civil Liablity Convention and the 1992 Fund Convention.(Note: The sixth meeting which was to be held in October 2003 was cancelled.) The Assembly noted that the Working Group had been divided into two large groups, one of which was against any revision of the 1992 Conventions and the continuation of the Working Group whilst the other considered that there were a number of outstanding issues that needed to be addressed, which could result in the revision of the Conventions. The Assembly decided that the Working Group should meet in February 2005 as planned and make a final recommendation to the October 2005 session of the Assembly on whether or not the Conventions should be revised, and if so, which items required revision.