Decision ID: 003217

In October 2007 the 1971 Fund Administrative Council noted that in October 2006 the public prosecutor had requested the Supreme Court to revise a judgement rendered by the Criminal Court of Appeal in February 2005 on the grounds that the Court had not decided in respect of the claim for compensation submitted by the public prosecutor on behalf of the Republic of Venezuela. It was further noted that in a judgement rendered in March 2007 the Supreme Court had decided to annul the judgement of the Court of Appeal and to send back the criminal file to the Court of Appeal where a different section would render a judgement. It was noted that in its judgement the Supreme Court had stated that the judgement of the Court of Appeal was unconstitutional since it had not decided on the claim by the Republic of Venezuela for pollution damage.

Date: 30.09.2007
Category: Legal actions
Subject: Criminal proceedings