Decision ID: 000960

In February 1999 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee, noting the unacceptable delays that would arise if the 1971 Fund were to wait for the completion of the limitation proceedings and distribution of the limitation fund to claimants before making compensation payments, decided, in view of the relatively small amount available under the 1969 Civil Liability Convention, that once the limitation fund was establsihed, the 1971 Fund should pay all established claims in full and present subrogated claims against the shipowner’s limitation fund.

Date: 01.02.1999
Categories: Financial limits, limitation proceedings and indemnification, Legal actions
Subjects: Limitation proceedings, subrogated claims and distribution of the shipowner's limitation fund under Article V of the 1969 and 1992 Civil Liability Conventions, Limitation proceedings, subrogated claims and distribution of the shipowner's limitation fund under Article V of the 1969 and 1992 Civil Liability Conventions