Decision ID: 003589
In October 2008 the 1971 Fund Administrative Council noted that the 1992 Fund Assembly had decided, at its 13th (October 2008) session, that the post of Head of the External Relations and Conference Department be re-classified from grade P5 to grade D1 and that the incumbent of the post be promoted from grade P5 to grade D1 with effect from 1 November 2008. The Council further noted that the Director had decided not to fill the post of Deputy Director for the time being and that he had instead created a post of Technical Adviser/Claims Manager, graded at P5 level in the Professional category. It also took note of the re-structuring of the Secretariat carried out by the Director. The Council noted that the 1992 Fund Assembly had decided to retain the two vacant in-house translation posts (French and Spanish) within the structure of the Secretariat.