Decision ID: 001710
In June 2005 the 1992 Fund Executive Committee noted that in the same month the Commercial Court in Vannes had rendered a judgement in respect of a claim for loss of income by the owner of a crêperie in Morbihan, which had been rejected by the Fund on the grounds that having bought the crêperie in May 2000, ie six months after the incident took place, the claimant was fully aware of the consequences the incident could have on his business. It was noted that the Court, referring to the Fund’s admissibility criteria, noted that the claimant had purchased the business with full knowledge that the incident had taken place and the likely consequences it could have on his activity. It was further noted that the Court had held that the claimant had not proved that the reduction in turnover was a consequence of the pollution, and for this reason had rejected the claim.