Decision ID: 001653

In March 2005 the 1992 Fund Executive Committee noted that in November 2004 the Commercial Court in Vannes had rendered a judgement in respect of a claim for £42,000 for loss of revenue by a hotel located in the centre of Vannes. It was noted that the Fund had approved the claim for £12,000 and had made a provisional payment to the claimant. It was noted, however, that the claimant had decided to pursue the claim in Court for an increased amount of £46,000. The Committee noted that the Court had assessed the loss at £18,000 and had ordered the Fund to pay the claimant this sum, minus the amount already paid. It was noted that neither party appealed against the judgement and that the Fund had paid the amount awarded by the Court.

Category: Pure economic loss (tourism)
Subject: Losses suffered by hotels, campsites, shops, restaurants and other tourism businesses due to a downturn in visitors