Decisión nº: 003424

In October 1997 the 1971 Fund Assembly decided that the costs of running the joint Secretariat for 1998 should be distributed with 60% to be paid by the 1971 Fund and 40% by the 1992 Fund. It was noted that the 1992 Fund Assembly had agreed at its 2nd session to the same distribution of costs.

Fecha: 30.09.1997
Categorías: Cuestiones administrativas, Cuestiones financieras
Subjects: Presupuestos, Reparto de los costes administrativos comunes entre el Fondo de 1992, el Fondo de 1971 y el Fondo Complementario, Reparto de los costes administrativos comunes entre el Fondo de 1992, el Fondo de 1971 y el Fondo Complementario