Decisión nº: 002634

In May 1998 the 1971 Fund Assembly adopted a Resolution (1971 Fund Resolution No.12) to the effect that Governments of 1971 Fund Member States were urged to consider, as a matter of great urgency, accession to the 1992 Fund Protocols to the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention and of the need, when depositing instruments of accession to the 1992 Protocols, to deposit simultaneously instruments of denunciation of the 1969 and 1971 Conventions.

Fecha: 31.03.1998
Categorías: Cuestiones administrativas, Resoluciones adoptadas por los órganos rectores de los FIDAC
Subjects: Operación y liquidación del Fondo de 1971 después de mayo de 1998, Resoluciones, Resoluciones del Fondo de 1971, Funcionamiento y liquidación del Fondo de 1971 después de mayo de 1996, Cuestiones del derecho de tratados