Decisión nº: 002426
In October 1994 the 1971 Fund Assembly decided that the Director should base his further preparatory work for the entry into force of 1992 Protocol amending the 1971 Fund Conventions on the assumption that the 1971 Fund and the 1992 Fund would be administered by a joint Secretariat headed by a single Director during the period when the two Funds would operate concurrently. The Assembly instructed the Director to study the subject of the Secretariat functions, in particular in respect of the transfer from the 1971 Fund Secretariat to a 1992 Fund Secretariat at some point, the form of agreements between the two Funds, the employment conditions of staff, Staff Regulations, Staff Rules, Internal Regulations and Financial Regulations. He was also instructed to study the complexities which would exist during the transitional period when the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by the 1992 Protocols would operate in parallell with these Conventions in their original versions, due to the different treaty relationships that would exist between various groups of States. The Assembly decided that, since most of the issues involved in the preparations for the entry into force of the 1992 Protocols were of a technical nature, it was not necessary to establish an intersessional working group to study these issues, and that after examining the issues at its 18th session, the Assembly would submit proposals for consideration at the first session of the Assembly of the 1992 Fund, which would then have to take decisions on these issues.