Decisión nº: 002402
In October 1993 the 1971 Fund Assembly instructed the Director to commence the preparations necessary for the entry into force of the 1992 Protocol to the 1971 Fund Convention, in particular as regards the administration of the organisation (the ‘1992 Fund’), which would established under the Protocol. The Assembly decided that a study should be made of a number of issues, which included, inter alia, the complexities that would exist during the transitional period while the 1969 Civil Liability and 1971 Fund Conventions remained in force in parallel with the 1992 Protocols, the relationship between the 1971 Fund and the 1992 Fund during the transitional period and the problems that would arise after the 1971 Fund Convention ceased to be in force. The Assembly agreed that it would be necessary to make use of consultants for part of this work and decided that an amount of £30,000 should be allocated in the 1994 budget for this purpose. In accordance with Resolution No.2 adopted by the International Conference, which had adopted the 1992 Protocols, the Assembly instructed the Director to make all possible efforts to encourage the early entry into force of the 1992 Protocol to the Fund Convention.