Decisión nº: 002343

In September 1990 the 1971 Fund Assembly decided to set up an intersessional Working Group (6th) with the mandate to consider the future development of the intergovernmental liabilty and compensation system by (a) examining the prospects for the entry into force of the 1984 Protocols to the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Conventions, (b) considering whether it would be possible to facilitate the entry into force of the content of the 1984 Protocols by amending their entry into force provisions and (c) considering which substantive provisions in the existing Conventions and the 1984 Protocols appeared to form the main obstacles to their continued relevance, including the present contribution scheme. In view of the important issues involved it was decided that there should be simultaneous interpretation between the two official languages of the 1971 Fund, English and French. The Assembly decided that the report of the Working Group should be submitted to the 14th session of the Assembly for consideration, recognising that any proposal to amend the Conventions or the Protocols would have to be referred to the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for consideration by the IMO Legal Committee.

Fecha: 31.08.1990
Categorías: Cuestiones administrativas, Grupos de trabajo intersesiones
Subjects: Revisión de los Convenios y preparativos para la entrada en vigor de los Protocolos enmendados, Grupos de trabajo, creación