Decisión nº: 001160
In October 2000 the 1971 Fund Administrative Council noted that the 1992 Fund Executive Committee had considered at its 8th (July 2000) session the question of whether the Al Jaziah 1 fell within the definitions of ‘ship’ laid down in the 1969 Civil Liability and 1992 Civil Liability Conventions and as incorporated into the 1971 and 1992 Fund Conventions respectively. The Council further noted that during the discussions at that session it was generally considered that a craft fell within the definition of ‘seagoing ship or other seaborne craft’ if it was actually operating at sea and that the Committee had therefore taken the view that the Al Jaziah 1 fell within the definitions of ‘ship’ laid down in the 1969 and 1992 Civil Liability Conventions. The Administrative Council decided that the Al Jaziah 1 fell within the definition of ‘ship’ laid down in the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention.