Decisión nº: 000931

In October 1998 the 1992 Fund Executive Committee noted that investigations by the German authorities had led them to conclude that the Russian, unladen tanker, Kuzbass was responsible for the pollution of the coasts of a number of German islands in the North Sea and that the authorities had taken legal action in the Court of first instance in Flensburg against the shipowner and the P&I insurer claiming compensation of £890,000. The Committee decided that the 1992 Fund should intervene in the proceedings to protect the Fund’s interests, once the 1992 Fund was notified under Article 7.6 of the 1992 Fund Convention of the legal action against the shipowner/insurer.

Fecha: 30.09.1998
Categorías: Aplicación de los Convenios, Acciones judiciales
Subjects: Aplicabilidad del Convenio del Fondo de 1992 a los daños debidos a la contaminación causada por derrames procedentes de fuentes no identificadas, Acción directa contra los aseguradores, Acciones judiciales contra los propietarios de buques