Decisión nº: 000904

In April 1998 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee considered a request by the owner of the colliding vessel (who wished to reach an out-of-court settlement with the 1971 Fund in respect of his claim for clean-up costs) that the Fund should agree to an extension of the time bar period. The Committee decided. in line with the position taken by the 1971 Fund in previous cases, that the three year period laid down in Article 6.1 of the 1971 Fund Convention could not be extended by the parties.

Fecha: 31.03.1998
Categoría: Disposiciones sobre caducidad
Subject: Interpretación/aplicación de las disposiciones de caducidad en el artículo VIII de los Convenios de Responsabilidad Civil y del Fondo de 1969 y de 1992 y el artículo 6 de los Convenios de los Fondos de 1971 y de 1992