Decisión nº: 000707

In February 1997 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee considered a claim by two shellfish merchants who, in attempting to mitigate their losses, had supplied shellfish to a buyer in Spain who had failed to pay hem. The Committee, recalling a similar claim arising from the Braer incident, took the view that the losses, allegedly due to the customer not having paid for the shellfish, could not be considered as damage caused by contamination, but was a result of normal business risks. The Committee therefore decided to reject the claim.

Fecha: 30.09.1994
Categoría: Pérdida puramente económica (pesca y maricultura)
Subjects: Criterios de admisibilidad, Relación de causalidad entre la pérdida y la contaminación, Reclamaciones específicas consideradas por los órganos rectores