Decisión nº: 000636

In June 1996 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee considered the admissibility of a claim by a fish sales company located 400 km by road from Milford Haven. The Committee decided to reject the claim since there was not a reasonable degree of proximity between the contamination and the alleged loss by virtue of the business’s lack of geographic proximity to the affeceted area, its only partial dependency on supplies from the affected area, its access to alternative sources of supply and it having not been an integral part of the economic activity of the area affected by the spill.

Fecha: 31.05.1996
Categoría: Pérdida puramente económica (pesca y maricultura)
Subjects: Criterios de admisibilidad, Relación de causalidad entre la pérdida y la contaminación, Pérdida de beneficios procedentes de las ventas de pescado y elaboración de pescado por falta de suministro como resultado de la contaminación, Reclamaciones específicas consideradas por los órganos rectores