Decisión nº: 003404
In October 1999 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee recalled that the 1971 Fund Assembly had decided, at its 4th extraordinary session, that the Director of the 1971 Fund should ex officio be the person who held the post of Director of the 1992 Fund, provided that the Assembly of the 1992 Fund agreed and that the Director of the 1992 Fund agreed to carry out the functions of Director of the 1971 Fund. The Executive Committee noted the decision of the 1992 Fund Assembly to appoint the present Director, whose term of office would expire on 31 December 1999, as Director of the 1992 Fund for a further term of office of five years. It was also noted that the 1992 Fund Assembly had decided that the Director of the 1992 Fund should be allowed to carry out the functions of Director of the 1971 Fund also. The Executive Committee took note of the fact that, as a result of the 1992 Fund Assembly’s decision, Mr Måns Jacobsson would hold the post of Director of the 1971 Fund for a period of five years from 1 January 2000.