Decisión nº: 000959

In February 1999 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee considered the question as to whether certain claims filed in the limitation proceceedings had become time-barred vis-à-vis the 1971 Fund, namely a subrogated claim by the shipowner/insurer, claims by three village fishery associations and a claim by the shipowner/insurer for indemnification under Article 5.1 of the 1971 Fund Convention. In view of the divergence of preliminary opinions and the limited time which had been available to delegations to examine these complex legal arguments, the Committee decided to defer further consideration of these claims to its 61st session.

Fecha: 01.02.1999
Categoría: Disposiciones sobre caducidad
Subject: Interpretación/aplicación de las disposiciones de caducidad en el artículo VIII de los Convenios de Responsabilidad Civil y del Fondo de 1969 y de 1992 y el artículo 6 de los Convenios de los Fondos de 1971 y de 1992