Decisión nº: 000449

In April 1995 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee reconsidered a claim by a wholesale butcher for loss due the cancellation of a contract to supply lambs to the Faroe Islands. The Committee noted that the contract required the lambs to be born, reared and fed on the clean and upolluted grazing in the Shetland Isles, and that as a result of the pollution, this requirement could not be fulfilled. The Committee took the view that, in the light of the very particular circumstances of the case, the claim was admissible in principle. The Director was instructed to examine whether the claimant could have mitigated his loss and to examine the loss sustained.

Fecha: 31.03.1995
Categoría: Pérdida puramente económica (general)
Subjects: Criterios de admisibilidad, Relación de causalidad entre la pérdida y la contaminación