Decisión nº: 000260

In June 1993 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee agreed that losses allegedly suffered by self-employed fish porters and self-employed net makers who carried out net repairs for fishermen should be considered as damage caused by contamination, since their activities were an integral part of the fishing activities of the polluted area. The Committe decided therefore that these claims should be accepted in principle and authorised the Director to make final settlements of these claims.

Fecha: 31.05.1993
Categorías: Pagos de indemnización, Pérdida puramente económica (pesca y maricultura)
Subjects: Autorización para resolver reclamaciones, Relación de causalidad entre la pérdida y la contaminación, Pérdida de beneficios de las empresas y trabajadores autónomos en las actividades relacionadas con la pesca, Reclamaciones específicas consideradas por los órganos rectores