Decisión nº: 000907

In October 1998 the 1971 Fund Executive Committee decided to renew the mandate of the Consultation Group which had been set up by the Committee at its 57th session to assist the Director in his search for solutions to the outstanding issues arising from this incident. It was noted that only one of the States represented in the Group remained a Member of the 1971 Fund and that that State would cease to be a Member in the near future. However, the Committee considered that, since it was important to secure the continuity of the Group, its composition should remain unchanged, although it was emphasised that the members of the Group did not participate as representatives of their Governments but in their personal capacity and that if an agreement were to be reached with the Spanish Government, that agreement would have to be submitted to the Committee for approval.

Fecha: 30.09.1998
Categoría: Cuestiones administrativas
Subject: Grupos de consulta