Decision ID: 002699
In October 1999 the 1992 Fund Assembly, recalling that it had decided at its 3rd session that ‘contributing oil’ should be limited to ‘persistent oil’, noted that although marine diesel oil was placed in the list of’ non-contributing oil’ attached to the oil reporting form, some marine diesel oils were persistent whereas some were non-persistent. The Assembly decided that in view of the small quantity of marine diesel oil carried by sea as cargo in relation to the total quantity of contributing oil so transported, and the considerable administrative burden oil receivers would face if they had to distinguish in their reports to the Fund between persistent and non-persistent marine diesels, marine diesel oil should continue to be classified as non-contributing oil. The Assembly also recalled that it had been decided that a bituminous emulsion known as ‘orimulsion’ should be considered as falling within the definition of ‘contributing oil’. The Assembly noted that there were a number of products similar to ‘orimulsion’, and decided therefore that these products should be referred to in the list of contributing oils by the generic term ‘bituminous emulsions and fuel oil emulsions’ and that no allowance should be made for the water content in such products for the assessment of contributions. The Assembly approved a revised list accordingly.