Decision ID: 002519
In June 1996 the 1971 Fund Assembly and the 1992 Fund Assembly decided that in order to make a clear distinction between the two Organisations established under the 1971 and 1992 Fund Conventions the following terminology should be used: 1971 Fund Convention Full name: International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 1971 Short name: 1971 Fund or IOPC Fund 1971 1992 Fund Convention Full name: International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 1992 Short name: 1992 Fund or IOPC Fund 1992 Both Conventions Full name: International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds or International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds 1971 and 1992 Short name: IOPC Funds or IOPC Funds 1971 and 1992 or 1971/1992 Funds It was also decided that the same logo should be used for the 1971 Fund and the 1992 Fund.